Oatlands Multi Academy Trust Caring about today, creating successful tomorrows.
We are Oatlands Juniors. We're Amazing!


In order to comply with GDPR you must have an up to date privacy notice which sets out what personal data is held for parents/guardians and their children.

  • This should also explain why you hold the data, who it is shared with and the individuals’ rights in relation to how you process their data.

Subject access - your pupils and students have rights to see their personal information.They can make a request to access the personal information you hold about them. They, and their parents, also have the right to see their educational records

Good Example - Cheriton Primary School

The GOV.UK website contains privacy notice model documents which are suggested privacy notices for schools and local authorities to issue to staff, parents and pupils about the collection of data. Please click here to access this information. 


Below you will find useful information from the Commissioners Office - please just click the links
